These are original poems 
written by Annalise Pelayo 

Life is a road trip.
 Might get lost on the way there. 
Might take a wrong road. 

Life has 
obstacles and 
Wrong turns, labor, followed 
With joy and love, but first thing first
Enjoy it!! 

Life can be a little tough. 
It can be unfair and even rude. 
Even if you are a little buff
Don't be mad at it or give it attitude. 
Even though life can be cruel 

Have hopes and strength to make it better. 
Don't just sit down and let yourself drool 
Run out side and eat some cheddar. 

But as its tough, it can be beautiful 
filled with love, smiles and joy
it is in deed wonderful and even colorful 
So be happy and enjoy 

So live life because you only get one. 
Get out there and have some fun.